Dani Orlandi Works

I was born in Santiago , Chile 1976. Since I was a little girl I loved to draw, paint and play music. My work, depending on the discipline, is generally associated with the circle, it is the central figure of my work together with all its derivatives; be it ovals, spheres, spirals or circular outlines. I identify with the beauty of Hilma Klint's great compositions, with circles in almost all of her works. As Cirlot says, it is the perfect figure, which contains the whole, evolution, growth, life, time and space, as well as the Aleph of Borges. When I begin to generate the composition, I do it as an unconscious writing that my head adopted as its own, as a personal alphabet that forms a kind of visual revealing my interest in the rhythm; which begin to appear with the repetition of figures, lines and points. Rhythms by alternation of colors and shapes, by repetition, by progression, radial or free rhythm. Here I can see the "Horror vacui" that takes hold of me in most of my compositions to which I take a break with different planes of color. My color palette goes through cold such as ultramarine blue and turquoise ] that dialogue with warm ones such as carmine red and orange along with neutral colors such as gray and ocher to calm so much contrast. From 2022 I have been enchanted with a softer and brighter color palette such as different shades of gray, white and derivatives of blue. A writing of lines that make up a great composition of colors, textures and beautiful details. One More than the subject, I am interested in the invoice and the process of the work.

I have a Bachelor of Arts from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with two subsequent extension courses in Metal Engraving from the same university. I have been instructed in: Ceramic Gres; Loom, Cut and Manufacture of Textiles; Photographic emulsions; Moku-Hanga (Japanese engraving); Classical painting; Carved in linoleum using the matrix as a work and I have done private consulting
work for artists. Although with seven individual exhibitions in Chile, and many group exhibitions, fairs inside and outside the country, the last three years have been the most important. Among these, the Buenos Aires Biennial (ARGENTINA), Art on Paper N. York (USA), World Art Dubai (ARAB EMIRATES), Museo Spazio Tadini Milan (ITALY), Beijing Biennial (CHINA), Colombia, Mexico, Art Expo New York, Spain and Carrousel du Louvre (Paris).

I have obtained two distinctions abroad and I was one of the two Chilean women
selected to participate in the VIII Beijing Biennial 2019. I was also selected for the
international invitation "Love can defeat the virus" in China (March 2020), and "
The Chinese countryside in the eyes of the World Artists ”at the Yang Huang Art
Museum (September 2020). My works can be found in various private collections
such as the Talagante Cultural Center, Ana María Matthei, the Chilean Embassy in
Abu Dhabi, the Embassy of Chile in China and the National Museum of Art of
China (Association of Chinese Artists), to name a few.